
Laboratory and Field Studies in Biology(陸域生物学実習)

単位 1 Credits
標準履修年次 2・3Year
担当教員 Yukie SATO, Kensuke YAHATA, Mari FUJITA

Overview The aim of this course, through animal tracking, bird watching, collecting insects, is to provide genuine experience of the qualities of nature and wild animals in snowy areas.
Link between Course Objectives and Activities Conduct outdoor activities with the Sugadaira Research Station as a field, animal tracking, bird watching, collecting and observing insects on snow and hibernatings. We will learn the lifestyles of animals, especially animals during the snowy season in a typical central mountainous area of Japan.
Learn the real aspects of biology as a field science through this course.
Course Type lab works, practical
Academic Goal Get knowledge of actual aspects of biology as a field science, with real experience.
Can explain the methods of animal tracking, bird watching and insect collecting.
Can analyze animal species and lifestyle from traces left outdoors.
Can plan and perform some personal research in wild field.
Course Schedule Day 1 Orientation, Guidance and Lecture: How to observe and identify the winter animals and their traces
Day 2 Collecting and observing insects on snow and hibernatings
Day 3 Animal tracking and bird watching
Day 4 Group research
Day 5 Research presentations and summarization
The content may change due to weather conditions.
Remarks Lectures are conducted in English.
At Sugadaira (SRS,MSC).
Approval following the registration arrangement.
Students must be enrolled in Gakkensai.
Will be registered by the office.
Grading Philosophy (Percentage/Criteria/Methodology) Evaluation will be done based on the tasks assigned during the training period.
Self-Directed Learning Other Than Coursework Instructions are given during class depending on the level of understanding of the students.
References and Supplementaly Materials 1. フィールドガイド「日本の野鳥」日本野鳥の会
2. 安間繁樹,「アニマル・ウォッチング」 晶文社
3. Tadao Shimba,Birds of Japan and North-East Asia 2nd Ed. HELM
Textbooks The original text will be distributed.
guidance materials for practice in2024

Laboratory and Field Studies in Land Biology                  Advanced Field Course in Terrestrial Zoology

Other(i.e. Expectations on Classroom Conduct and Decorum etc.) In winter Sugadaira is very cold, so be prepared for winter clothes.
Contents are subject to change depending on weather conditions.
To make this course meaningful, you should have positivity, ambition, curiosity, and a love for nature and living things.
  • 拠点概要
  • 公開実習
  • お問い合わせ